Featured Cell Biology Solutions
From Cell to Therapy
Solutions for your entire workflow – from basic research to biopharma production. Tools and services to accelerate your research & development.
Pall Sentino Pomp: Betere Resultaten
Find all the resources and insights you’ll need to run your laboratory output smoothly and efficiently.
Meet Revolve, the new hybrid microscope
The Revolve easily transforms between upright and inverted configurations, and is more versatile than other systems in the market...
Corning 3D cell culture
Cells grown in 3D more closely mimic in vivo behavior in tissues and organs than cells grown in a 2D culture model...
Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ & Abgene™ microplates
Quality and innovation for your cell-based assays, immunoassays, biobanking and storage...
Cell image and analysis
Molecular Devices maintains a range of solutions for all high content imaging applications...
PanReac Applichem Decontamination
For a clean cell culture and molecular biology working environment...