Metal trace analysis and detection

In metal analysis, elemental evidence is now gathered from the tiniest traces in the ppm, ppb and ppt ranges with sophisticated instrumentation like AAS, ICP-OES or, more recently, ICP-MS.
Rather than just looking – modern day laboratory sleuths can only rarely analyse a sample directly without suitable pre-treatment. The sample must be first skillfully dissolved, digested or fused. All the auxiliary reagents used must perform these tasks, but be effectively invisible in the final analysis.
VWR Chemicals and J.T.Baker® standards and reagents are specifically produced to give you that blank background so that you can solve even the most baffling cases.
- Chemicals for sample preparation for trace analysis
- Standards for calibration
- Equipment for trace analysis
- Related documents for metal trace detection
Chemicals for sample preparation

NORMATOM® and NORMATOM® Ultrapure Acids
A complete range of high purity acids NORMATOM® and NORMATOM® Ultrapure with max. permitted levels contaminants in ppb and ppt, essential in ultra-trace analysis applications.

ARISTAR® acids for trace analysis
This high purity acid range is essential in sample preparation for metal trace analysis with max. permitted levels contaminants in ppm and ppb

Fluxes for XRF
Used for rocks, metals, ceramics and cement analysis. Digestion by fluxing is a common sample preparation step for XRF.

Mercury determination
Mercury is one of the most toxic and poisonous heavy metal in the environment. Its determination usually made by AAS is common in different sectors as Food, Environment and Pharma industries.

Analar® NORMAPUR® acids
VWR Chemicals acids for many inorganic and analytical applications.

Analar® NORMAPUR® alkalis
VWR Chemicals alkalis for many inorganic and analytical applications.

Analar® NORMAPUR® salts
VWR Chemicals salts for many inorganic and analytical applications.
Standards for calibration

AAS standards 1000 mg/l
Complete range of 66 AAS Standards at 1000 mg/l available in 100 and 500 ml packs, traceable to NIST and delivered with Certiticate of analysis(CoA)

ICP and ICP-MS standards
Complete range of Standards at 10, 1000 and 10 000 mg/l available in 100 and 500ml packs, traceable to NIST and delivered with Certificate of analysis

ICP and ICP-MS multi-element solutions
Complete range of multi-element solutions for using as internal Standard or for a perfect equipment calibration, traceable to NIST and delivered with CoA.

Customised standard multi-element solutions
VWR, working in partnership with CPAchem, offers a custom service enabling you to define your own components, tailoring the standard to your particular application.

Ion chromatography standards
Large range composed by 54 elements at 1000 mg/l to be used in Food and Beverage, Environment, Pharmaceutics, Life Science and many more.
Equipment for trace analysis

Water purification
VWR® water purification systems ensure a pure water supply...

Blenders, homogenisers and grinders for sample preparation...

Magnetic, hotplate and overhead stirrers plus stirring bars and accessories...

Micro, analytical, top pan and moisture determination balances...

Bottle-top dispensers
Precise dispensing from reagent bottles to bottle-top burettes for titration...