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目录号: (VWRC0271-25G)
供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: Creatine phosphate disodium salt ≥97%, 高纯度
计量单位: 1 * 25 克

SDS 证书

供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: Running buffers for both 1-D and 2-D protein gel electrophoresis.


供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: Sodium acetate buffer, VWR®, 3 M, pH 值: 5,2
供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: A zwitterionic buffer used as a running buffer for denaturing agarose gel electrophoresis of RNA.
供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: Buffer Standard solution, Biotechnology Grade, pH 值: 10,0, ±0,03, 参考温度: 25 °C, VWR®, Bottle
供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: A reversible metalloprotease inhibitor useful for chelating metal ions.
供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: A biological buffer used for cell culture, <i>in vitro</i>, enzyme assays and some electrophoretic applications at physiological pH.
目录号: (VWRC0470-500G)
供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: 柠檬酸铵, 高纯度
计量单位: 1 * 500 克


供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: 氯化锂 ≥99% 用于生物技术
供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: Zwitterionic, both positively and negatively charged.
目录号: (VWRCM110-500G)
供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: Suited for purification of nucleic acids or polypeptides from cell sources and inhibition of both RNase and protease activity.
计量单位: 1 * 500 克

SDS 证书

目录号: (VWRCM144-1L)
供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: Non-ionic detergent efficiently separates hydrophilic proteins from membrane spanning, hydrophobic proteins without altering biological activity.
计量单位: 1 * 1 升

SDS 证书

供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: Non-ionic - containing no charge (polyoxyethylenes or alkyl glucosides). Non-ionic detergents are suited for solubilising membrane proteins without altering biological activity.
供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: 乙二胺四乙酸二钾盐二水合物, 超纯
目录号: (VWRC9436-25G)
供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: Alizarin red S (sodium salt)
计量单位: 1 * 25 克

SDS 证书

供应商: VWR Chemicals
描述: Reagent for stabilisation of buffer formulations and electrophoresis of biological molecules.
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